We are excited to announce Swiss IT security specialist United Security Providers (USP) as new Gold Sponsor of OWASP CRS. As a software manufacturer and specialist for application and network security products, USP has been using CRS for a long time: it is an important component of the company’s commercial web access management solution.

“With their enhancements and bug fixes, our developers contribute to the further development of the project and thus give something back to the community,” emphasizes Christoph Koch, CEO at USP. “An even closer exchange between our software developers and the CRS project team is equally beneficial for both sides. The CRS benefits from the experience of our developers in customer contact and we can pass on the power of the open-source community to our customers. In this way, we complement each other.” For USP, supporting the CRS project underlines its strategic importance in maintaining the quality and security of its own products at the highest level.
Support from sponsors is of great importance for the CRS. As an open-source project, we work heavily with volunteers. But sponsors like USP allow us to provide free support, organize developer retreats and occasionally entrust a developer with a special task.