For some months after Christian leaving his position in the project’s leadership, we discussed the future of the project internally about opportunities for people to step up and fill up the leader position that was left empty. After the devastating news for the team we had the past year, being the sole leader for a project as crucial as CRS was a big concern.
My personal idea was to start the discussion while at the OWASP Summit in Woburn Forest, with a shortlist of people who were interested in stepping up and filling up the leadership position. Sadly not everyone was able to attend the summit, so I wasn’t able to have this one on one conversation with the people in the shortlist.
But the opportunity came just a short time afterwards, where one person stepped up and proposed himself to fill the leadership position. After January’s monthly chat, we discussed the topic and everyone in the team was really excited about seeing this come true.
So without further ado, we are thrilled to announce that Max Leske has been appointed as new co-leader of CRS. 🎉
Max is a seasoned CRS developer that has been contributing to the project for several years now. He brings with him a wealth of experience in software development, and will help us to continue to grow and develop this amazing project.
You can read more about Max in his Developer Portrait.
Expect more news from CRS soon! 😄