
Meet the CRS team: Andrea, the musical man-in-the-middle

He likes to play board games and the guitar, and he loves to fix bypasses to CRS rules: Italian Andrea Menin joined the Core Rule Set team in 2018. The most important requirement for anybody joining the project, he says, is to enjoy it. Andrea Menin with the famous DeLorean: “*Back to the Future *sparked a love of technology and music in me“ He never wanted to be a locomotive engineer or an astronaut, but Andrea Menin (born in 1983) actually had an alternative to being a developer and IT crack: “After school, I either wanted to do something with computers or become a musician.

CRS Version 3.3.4 and 3.2.3 fix a regression

Yesterday, we released CRS versions 3.3.3 and 3.2.2 with important security improvements. Unfortunately, backporting the fixes from our development branch 4.0 introduced a regression which was only found after publication. As a result, some Paranoia Level 2 rules would activate even when running in Paranoia Level 1. This did not harm security but may introduce false alarms for those running in Paranoia Level 1. We have fixed this in two new releases:

CRS Version 3.3.3 and 3.2.2 (covering several CVEs)

Release announcement covering fixes for CVE-2022-39955, CVE-2022-39956, CVE-2022-39957 and CVE-2022-39958, additional security fixes and security fixes in the latest ModSecurity releases 2.9.6 and 3.0.8. The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) team is pleased to announce the release of two new CRS versions. Edit: Updated download links now to refer to the fixed versions. Version 3.3.4 — Version 3.2.3 — This is a security release fixing several partial rule set bypasses with HIGH or even CRITICAL severity described in the following CVEs:

Update on CRS 4.0 release delay

Dear all, A few months ago we happily announced the first Release Candidate for Core Rule Set 4.0. Our original plan was to finish the 4.0 release as fast as possible. However, we found ourselves in a unique situation for our project. After the Release Candidate, a large CRS user organized a CRS Bug Bounty event, where advanced WAF hackers were tasked to bypass our ruleset to earn prizes. Since a similar earlier event did not uncover any findings, we were expecting to only get a small number of bug reports.

Core Rule Set v4.0.0 Release Candidate 1 available

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set team is proud to announce the Release Candidate 1 for the upcoming CRS v4.0.0 release. The release candidate is available from our installation page; see also the upgrade notes on that page. CRS 4 contains many important changes, such as: A plugin architecture for extending CRS and minimizing attack surface. Application exclusion sets and less-used functionality have been migrated from the CRS to plugins. (See our plugin registry for the extensive list of existing plugins.

CRS names Felipe Zipitría as third Co-Lead

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set project is very happy to announce Felipe Zipitría as a new and third Co-Leader. Felipe joins Walter Hop and Christian Folini in his new role. Felipe Zipitría holds a master of computer science from the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay. He worked as a system administrator for the faculty of engineering for several years and also lectures on security at the University.

The Case for Early Blocking

Early Blocking is a feature that CRS will deliver with the next major release, probably Spring 2022. You can use it immediately when deploying the latest dev / nightly build. This blog post will explain the feature, how to enable it and why it is very useful. What is Early Blocking? ModSecurity, the engine below CRS, processes requests in multiple phases. The phase 1 is the request header phase, the phase 2 is the request body phase.

Introducing the Fake Bot Plugin

In one of my previous blog posts, I introduced the CRS plugin mechanism that we are rolling out for the next major release. Check out the blog post to learn how you can start using plugins immediately, without waiting for the next release (hint: really simple). Several plugins are already available. One of them is the Fake Bot Plugin that I put into production recently. It’s a neat little plugin written by CRS dev Azurit / Jozef Sudolsky and it can serve as a perfect illustration of the capabilities of CRS plugins.

Comprehensive View of the WAF Market From an Open Source Perspective

The log4j mess allowed everybody to see security shortcomings of the IT industry on a big scale. It also shed light on the shortcomings of the WAF market, a highly contested field with a myriad of commercial players and - well - us, the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS), the only general purpose open source Web Application Firewall option. This blog post will describe the WAF market from a CRS perspective, it will explain what we see as lacking and how we plan to improve the situation.

The CRS Plugin Mechanism

Plugins are not part of the CRS 3.3.x release line. They will be released officially with the next major CRS release 4.x. In the meantime, you can use them with one of the stable releases by following the instructions below. What are Plugins? Plugins are sets of additional rules that you can plug in to your web application firewall in order to expand CRS with complementary functionality or to interact with CRS.