Testing the Rule Set

Well, you managed to write your rule, but now want to see if if can be added to the CRS? This document should help you to test it using the same tooling the project uses for its tests.

CRS uses go-ftw to run test cases. go-ftw is the successor to the previously used test runner ftw. The CRS project no longer uses ftw but it us still useful for running tests of older CRS versions.


Before you start to run tests, you should set up your environment. You can use Docker to run a web server with CRS integration or use your existing environment.

Setting up Docker containers

For testing, we use the container images from our project. We “bind mount” the rules in the CRS Git repository to the web server container and then instruct go-ftw to send requests to it.

To test we need two containers: the WAF itself, and a backend, provided in this case by Albedo. The docker-compose.yml in the CRS Git repository is a ready-to-run configuration for testing, to be used with the docker compose command.


The supported platform is ModSecurity 2 with Apache httpd

Let’s start the containers by executing the following command:

docker compose -f tests/docker-compose.yml up -d modsec2-apache
[+] Running 2/2
 āœ” backend Pulled                                                                                                                                                               2.1s 
   āœ” ff7dc8bdd3d5 Pull complete                                                                                                                                                 1.0s 
[+] Running 3/3
 āœ” Network tests_default      Created                                                                                                                                           0.0s 
 āœ” Container tests-backend-1  Started                                                                                                                                           0.2s 
 āœ” Container modsec2-apache   Started                                                                                                                                           0.2s 

Now let’s see which containers are running now, using docker ps:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                            PORTS                          NAMES
0570b291c386   owasp/modsecurity-crs:apache        "/bin/sh -c '/bin/cpā€¦"   7 seconds ago   Up 7 seconds (health: starting)   80/tcp,>8080/tcp   modsec2-apache
50704d5c5762   ghcr.io/coreruleset/albedo:0.0.13   "/usr/bin/albedo --pā€¦"   7 seconds ago   Up 7 seconds                                                     tests-backend-1

Excellent, our containers are running, now we can start our tests.

Using your own environment for testing

If you have your own environment set up, you can configure that for testing. Please follow these instructions to install the WAF server locally.


Remember: The supported platform is ModSecurity 2 with Apache httpd. If you want to run the tests against nginx, you can do that too, but nginx uses libmodsecurity3, which is not fully compatible with Apache httpd + ModSecurity 2.

If you want to run the complete test suite of CRS 4.x with go-ftw, you need to make some modifications to your setup. This is because the test cases for 4.x contain some extra data for responses, letting us test the RESPONSE-* rules too. Without the following steps these tests will fail.

To enable response handling for tests you will need to download an additional tool, albedo.

Start albedo

Albedo is a simple HTTP server used as a reverse-proxy backend in testing web application firewalls (WAFs). go-ftw relies on Albedo to test WAF response rules.

You can start albedo with this command:

./albedo -p 8085

As you can see the HTTP server listens on *:8085, you can check it using:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"body":"Hello, World from albedo"}' "http://localhost:8085/reflect"
Hello, World from albedo%

Check for other features using the url /capabilities on albedo. The reflection feature is mandatory for testing response rules.

Modify webserver’s config

For the response tests you need to set up your web server as a proxy, forwarding the requests to the backend. The following is an example of such a proxy setup.

Before you start to change your configurations, please make a backup!

Apache httpd

Put this snippet into your httpd’s default config (eg. /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf):

  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyPass /
  ProxyPassReverse /
  ServerName localhost


Put this snippet into the nginx default config (e.g., /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf) or replace the existing one:

  location / {
          proxy_set_header Host $host;
          proxy_set_header Proxy "";
          proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;
          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

          proxy_http_version 1.1;
          proxy_buffering off;
          proxy_connect_timeout 60s;
          proxy_read_timeout 36000s;
          proxy_redirect off;

          proxy_pass_header Authorization;

In both cases (Apache httpd, nginx) you have to change your modsecurity.conf settings. Open that file and find the directive SecResponseBodyMimeType. Modify the arguments:

SecResponseBodyMimeType text/plain text/html text/xml application/json

Note, that the default value does not have the MIME type application/json.

In your crs-setup.conf you need to add these extra rules (after the rule 900990):

SecAction \

SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:X-CRS-Test "@rx ^.*$" \

Now, after restarting the web server all request will be sent to the backend. Let’s start testing.


Tests are performed using go-ftw. We run our test suite automatically using go-ftw as part of a GitHub workflow. You can easily reproduce that locally, on your workstation.

For that you will need:

Installing Go-FTW

We strongly suggest to install a pre-compiled binary of go-ftw available on GitHub.

The binary is ready to run and does not require installation. On the releases page you will also find .deb and .rpm packages that can be used for installation on some GNU/Linux systems.

Modern versions of go-ftw have also a self-update command that will simplify updating to newer releases for you!

You can also install pre-compiled binaries by using go install, if you have a Go environment:

go install github.com/coreruleset/go-ftw@latest

This will install the binary into your $HOME/go/bin directory. To compile go-ftw from source, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/coreruleset/go-ftw.git
cd go-ftw
go build

This will build the binary in the go-ftw repository.

Now create a configuration file. Because Apache httpd and nginx use different log file paths, and, perhaps, different ports, you may want to create two different configuration files for go-ftw. For details please read go-ftw’s documentation.

Example .ftw.nginx.yaml file for nginx:

logfile: /var/log/nginx/error.log
logmarkerheadername: X-CRS-TEST
    dest_addr: ""
    port: 8080

Example file .ftw.apache.yaml for Apache httpd:

logfile: /var/log/apache2/error.log
logmarkerheadername: X-CRS-TEST
    dest_addr: ""
    port: 80

Please verify that these settings are correct for your setup, especially the port values.

Running the test suite

Execute the following command to run the CRS test suite with go-ftw against Apache httpd:


āš ļø If go-ftw is installed from a pre-compiled binary, then you might have to use ftw instead of the go-ftw command.

./go-ftw run --config .ftw.apache.yaml -d ../coreruleset/tests/regression/tests/
šŸ› ļø  Starting tests!
šŸš€ Running go-ftw!
šŸ‘‰ executing tests in file 911100.yaml
	running 911100-1: āœ” passed in 239.699575ms (RTT 126.721984ms)
	running 911100-2: āœ” passed in 63.339213ms (RTT 69.998361ms)
	running 911100-3: āœ” passed in 64.87875ms (RTT 71.368241ms)
	running 911100-4: āœ” passed in 77.823772ms (RTT 81.059904ms)
	running 911100-5: āœ” passed in 64.451749ms (RTT 70.403898ms)
	running 911100-6: āœ” passed in 67.774327ms (RTT 73.803885ms)
	running 911100-7: āœ” passed in 65.528094ms (RTT 72.64316ms)
	running 911100-8: āœ” passed in 66.129563ms (RTT 73.198992ms)
šŸ‘‰ executing tests in file 913100.yaml
	running 913100-1: āœ” passed in 71.242549ms (RTT 76.803619ms)
	running 913100-2: āœ” passed in 69.999667ms (RTT 76.617714ms)
	running 913100-3: āœ” passed in 70.200211ms (RTT 76.92281ms)
	running 913100-4: āœ” passed in 65.856005ms (RTT 73.328341ms)
	running 913100-5: āœ” passed in 66.986859ms (RTT 73.494356ms)

To run the test suite against nginx, execute the following:

./go-ftw run --config .ftw.nginx.yaml -d ../coreruleset/tests/regression/tests/
šŸ› ļø  Starting tests!
šŸš€ Running go-ftw!
šŸ‘‰ executing tests in file 911100.yaml
	running 911100-1: āœ” passed in 851.460335ms (RTT 292.802335ms)
	running 911100-2: āœ” passed in 53.748811ms (RTT 66.798867ms)
	running 911100-3: āœ” passed in 49.237535ms (RTT 67.964411ms)
	running 911100-4: āœ” passed in 194.935023ms (RTT 202.414171ms)
	running 911100-5: āœ” passed in 52.905305ms (RTT 66.254034ms)
	running 911100-6: āœ” passed in 52.597784ms (RTT 68.58854ms)
	running 911100-7: āœ” passed in 51.996881ms (RTT 67.496534ms)
	running 911100-8: āœ” passed in 50.804143ms (RTT 67.589557ms)
šŸ‘‰ executing tests in file 913100.yaml
	running 913100-1: āœ” passed in 276.383507ms (RTT 85.436758ms)
	running 913100-2: āœ” passed in 86.682684ms (RTT 69.89541ms)

If you want to run only one test, or a group of tests, you can specify that using the “include” option -i (or --include). This option takes a regular expression:

./go-ftw run --config .ftw.apache.yaml -d ../coreruleset/tests/regression/tests/ -i "955100-1$"

In the above case only the test case 955100-1 will be run.

If you need to see more verbose output (e.g., to look at the requests and responses sent and received by go-ftw) you can use the --debug or --trace options:

./go-ftw run --config .ftw.apache.yaml -d ../coreruleset/tests/regression/tests/ -i "955100-1$" --trace
./go-ftw run --config .ftw.apache.yaml -d ../coreruleset/tests/regression/tests/ -i "955100-1$" --debug

Please note again that libmodsecurity3 is not fully compatible with ModSecurity 2, some tests can fail. If you want to ignore them, you can put the tests into a list in your config:

    dest_addr: ""
    port: 8080
    # text comes from our friends at https://github.com/digitalwave/ftwrunner
    '941190-3$': 'known MSC bug - PR #2023 (Cookie without value)'
    '941330-1$': 'know MSC bug - #2148 (double escape)'

For more information and examples, please check the go-ftw documentation.

Also please don’t forget to roll back the modifications from this guide to your WAF configuration after you’re done testing!

Additional tips

  • āš ļø If your test is not matching, you can take a peek at the modsec_audit.log file, using: sudo tail -200 tests/logs/modsec2-apache/modsec_audit.log
  • šŸ”§ If you need to write a test that cannot be written using text (e.g. binary content), we prefer using encoded_request in the test, using base64 encoding


Tests are a core functionality in our ruleset. So whenever you write a rule, try to add some positive and negative tests so we won’t have surprises in the future.

Happy testing! šŸŽ‰