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The content on this page may be outdated. We are currently in the process of rewriting all of our documentation: please bear with us while we update our older content.

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  • ModSecurity Training

Books about ModSecurity

  • ModSecurity Handbook
    • ModSecurity Handbook is “The definitive guide to the popular open source web application firewall”, by Christian Folini and Ivan Ristić. The book is available from Feisty Duck in hard copy or with immediate access to the digital version which is continually updated.
  • Web Application Defender’s Cookbook: Battling Hackers and Defending Users
  • ModSecurity 2.5
    • ModSecurity 2.5 is “A complete guide to using ModSecurity”, written by Magnus Mischel. The book is available from Packt Publishing in both hard copy and digital forms.*
  • Apache Security
    • Apache Security is a comprehensive Apache Security resource, written by Ivan Ristic for O’Reilly. Two chapters (Apache Installation and Configuration and PHP) are available as free download, as are the Apache security tools created for the book.
  • Preventing Web Attacks with Apache
    • Preventing Web Attacks with Apache. Building on his groundbreaking SANS presentations on Apache security, Ryan C. Barnett reveals why your Web servers represent such a compelling target, how significant exploits are performed, and how they can be defended against.