
CRS Repository at New Location

We have successfully migrated our GitHub repository to a new location at Trustwave SpiderLabs hosted the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set project under their umbrella for many years. They acted as stewards of our project and also directed it via the former lead Ryan Barnett. Yet as a formally independent OWASP project, it is a bit odd to dwell under a commercial entity and for a commercial entity like Trustwave SpiderLabs, it is a bit odd to host a project that they do not control.

CVE-2019-19886 - HIGH - DoS against libModSecurity 3

The ModSecurity 3.0.x release line suffers from a Denial of Service vulnerability after triggering a segmentation fault on the webserver when parsing a malformed cookie header. All users of ModSecurity 3.0.0 - 3.0.3 should update to ModSecurity 3.0.4 as soon as possible. ModSecurity 2.x is not affected. The CVSS score for the vulnerability is 7.5 (HIGH). MITRE lists the vulnerability as CVE-2019-19886 (but as of this writing, it is only reserved).

CRS Project News January 2020

It’s been a while since the last CRS project news. It’s not because there was nothing to report. It’s more like too much going on and no time to sit back and write it all down. Here are the most important things that happened since the last edition: ModSecurity 3.0.4 has been released for NGINX. This is a security release covering a problem our project members @airween and @theMiddle have discovered.

Running a few dozens of new magic XSS payloads against CRS 3.2

Earlier today, Gareth Heyes presented a very interesting talk with dozens of new XSS payloads at the OWASP GlobalAppSec conference in Amsterdam. The CRS developers in the audience immediately started to try out the payloads, but Gareth was so quick they lost track… But being the helpful person he is, he published the slides during the evening. Thank you. This allowed us to go to business. We extracted 73 payloads from the presentation, submitted them against a vanilla CRS installation with the new send-payload-pls.

Announcement: OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Version 3.2.0

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set team is proud to announce the general availability of the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Version 3.2.0. The new release is available for download here. This release represents a very big step forward in terms of both capabilities and protections including: Improved compatibility with ModSecurity 3.x Improved CRS docker container that is fully configurable at creation Expanded Java RCE blacklist Expanded unix shell RCE blacklist Improved PHP RCE detection New javascript/Node.

How the CRS protects the vulnerable web application Pixi by OWASP DevSlop

How could the functionality of a WAF be better demonstrated than with a vulnerable web application? In this blog post I introduce Pixi, an intentionally vulnerable web application by the OWASP project DevSlop. I show its known vulnerabilities and examine how the CRS protects against these vulnerabilities. What is Pixi? Pixi is a deliberately vulnerable web application that is part of the OWASP DevSlop project. Beside Tanya Janca, Nicole Becher and Nancy Gariché I am also part of this project.

Announcement: OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Version 3.2.0-RC2

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set team is proud to announce the general availability of release candidate 2 for the upcoming CRS v3.2.0. The new release is available at This release represents a very big step forward in terms of both capabilities and protections including: Improved compatibility with ModSecurity 3.x Improved CRS docker container that is fully configureable at creation Expanded Java RCE blacklist Expanded unix shell RCE blacklist Improved PHP RCE detection New javascript/Node.

How the CRS optimizes regular expressions

As many of you have noticed, the Core Rule Set contains very complex regular expressions. See for example rule 942480: (?i:(?:\b(?:(?:s(?:elect\b.{1,100}?\b(?:(?:(?:length|count)\b.{1,100}?|.*?\bdump\b.*)\bfrom|to(?:p\b.{1,100}?\bfrom|_(?:numbe|cha)r)|(?:from\b.{1,100}?\bwher|data_typ)e|instr)|ys_context)|in(?:to\b\W*?\b(?:dump|out)file|sert\b\W*?\binto|ner\b\W*?\bjoin)|... These regular expressions are assembled from a list of simpler regular expressions for efficiency reasons. See for the source expressions which were combined to form this expression. A single optimized regular expression test takes much less time than a series of simpler regular expression tests. By combining related patterns in one rule, we lower our number of rules, which helps to keep the code base compact.

CRS Project News August 2019

Life is interfering and the rhythm of the CRS news is not what I would like it to be. Three months since the last edition. But the advantage is of course, that there are more news to talk about once I get to write it all up. What has happened in recent weeks The OWASP Honeypot project that is based on CRS is running a Google Summer of Code project, that aims for an up do date containerization of the honeypot.

Announcement: OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Version 3.1.1

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set team is pleased to announce the CRS release v3.1.1. This is a minor release fixing a Regular Expression Denial of Service weakness (CVE-2019-11387) as well as some minor bugs and false positives. The CVE is only affecting users of the libModSecurity 3 release line and only under special circumstances. However, we advise all users to upgrade to this latest stable CRS release. We have been notified of 5 ReDoS problems in our rules in April.